Sunday, November 12, 2006

His PreSeNcE!!!

totally enjoyed my time in church today.. yeah. today i felt that the spirit was different. somehow, God was dwelling in the midst of us doing his work in each and every one of us. To love us and let us be loved... May God continue to work in the two bands everyday. :)
rite... one last psycho paper, and i'm off to nafa for good. muahahaha sounds as if i am going to teach at nafa. but nah, going to join uncle zecky in his choir... so cool lar. man i miss those days at nafa, that was the life... the high-life... creating music is the highest form of life anyone can attain man... haha. i mean not forgetting God who is first in everything but i thank God for music, can u imagine ur life without music. it is like not being able to breathe in any air. gosh.. music is wonderful but of course it is powerful too. so be careful wat u use ur music for :)
yay... i have a happy feeling about this week coz it is making-music week. preparing for competition for da-ge aka desmond, and recently ruth too :) hee. man back to the old days. wat a nostalgic feeling. and with dot dot too... man i think nafa is gng to be noisy for the next 1 mnth or so. u can see dot dot n i playing catching, crashing courses, laughing very loudly, doing dumb stuff....
oh yeah, currently it is sun morn... i am feeling excited coz this will be my first time playing in coos worship. yeah!!! God, await my worship to you with the band at 5pm!!! LOVE YOU JESUS!!! U ROCK!!!

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