Wednesday, December 05, 2007


everything in life is complicated. honestly, i feel that some things in life that we face may seem complicated and challenging but honestly, there is no need for things to be that complex. things in life are actually quite simple. the culprit? one's own mentality and character. lots of farni ppl in the world nowadays that do not have a mind of their own. they follow the crowd blindly and tend to have such a soft ear. n to be stubborn for the wrong reason.

anyway, i am happy that today is my 5th anniversary with chris. i am so blessed and happy that i have such a wonderful bf and i thank God for him. it is interesting how our relationship has grown. normal couples would have their relationship strengthen being spent together and for the most time but ours, is ironic. it grew stronger with the both of us being apart. interesting eh? i guess the element of trust just grew stronger with time and every action that we do.

though it is the last league, i will be honest here. it is not as easy as i thought it would be. the initial stage of him flying off was hard but then it got easier. so i tot to myself, by counting sats it would be easier and then when it is down to like 3 - 4 weeks, i can start getting excited as it would go past very fast. how wrong i was

the first and last 3 weeks are the toughest whereas the in between was the easiest so to speak though it was filled with its own challenges.

was thinking of doing up a drama and performing it to close frens and frens of frens. but if any of you are interested, pls inform me and we can write and direct our own script and play. it would be fun. I am seriously going to stage it on 25 jun 2008.

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