Thursday, June 14, 2007

gosh 26 more days...

26 more days...

yay!!! the uncle yang called.. haha so exciting... oh well.. he has just left for the conference.. so happy for him. just awaiting for his return to settle some other stuff too lor... hee got nth much to say as my heart is getting heavier each day... trust me, it has nth to do with mr. yang's overseas trip to U.S. but i guess Chris, u noe what i'm toking abt...

it is like a bursting ball of fire struggling to burst forth from me... nevertheless, i must control my fury...
ok happy thots... must think happy thots... cannot dwell on saddening and infuriating stuff. if not, there will be no end... happy thots... haha. i noe!!!!!!!!!!! pretty pictures!!! hahaha... wait ar... (pictures are right below this entry)...

Today (as in Wed), i had a wonderful dinner with Aunty Gwen and my bro zk... we went to sakae sushi n den chilled at coffee bean... i tell u, we shared so much about our life and i would say she is one lady that i truly salute... she is a very strong christian... i admire her for standing her ground when the principals n values of God are being compromised. something that i learned. she will just speak her mind. i think it is essential that we speak our minds knowing that we do it out of love and for the good of His people even though it seems to be done at the expense of breaking them down or like the phrase, iron sharpens iron... it is thru brokenness that we truly learn. i've been there, exprienced that... nt a nice feeling but God is in control... a true learning experience...

Another wonderful thing that i learnt from her during dinner at Sakae was that she called the waitress by her name... it was an eye opener. i mean who on earth would bother a name tag and the name on it. but aunty Gwen did it. After she addressed the waitress her name, i realized that hey ppl in the service industry are actually humans too n they do have a name... It makes ppl feel important, respected and loved...

oh hahaha n the same waitress addressed my bro zk, "Sir, what drink would u like to have"? when we sat down. muahahaha... i tell u my bro, freaked out as we kept teasing him the entire nite... poor zk... *sayang* not bad ar, got ppl address him as Sir... aahhaah...

yeah some photos... man i think i'm totally narcissist... cool!!!
oh n before i end, i would like to add that the spirit of JOY n HAPPINESS is essential to the worship ministry... now it feels like it is a burden to serve and i can feel barriers and walls put up around each person when it comes to practice time or soundcheck... where's the joy? i think i shall unleash my happiness and just be myself for once instead of being so constipated, trying to be as sane as i can be... no more sane nat... i shall be myself for once... MAD!!!

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