Tuesday, June 05, 2007

one simple telephone call....

hahah.. firstly, let me start off today's entry with a big thank you... THANK YOU JESUS 4 everything that u have done for me since day 1 of my birth till today. thank u so much... THANK YOU DADDY SO SO SO SO MUCH!!! Bless you so so much... :) it means so much to me. thank you for knowing the desires of my heart and many more!! :)

hee... God is so good.. yup, today i guess it was not bad as yesterday... partly coz i think i'm getting used to it le and also there's about 1 more day to go? ... but still weird.. heh heh... a dear person called yest and today, and hahaha i am estatic. Mr. Yang, thank you for everything heh heh... and if u're reading this, i'm awaiting for ur return for many things. one of them is for u to send me the pictures taken on last fri. hee...

haha... it's exactly 11.30pm on my lappie... and in half an hour's time it would be 12am, which means 1 more day!!! yay!!! God pls help me on thursday... i realli need you.. thank u...

can't wait to see shrek 3 man... i think donkey is so cute.. hahah says the stupidest things at the wrong times.. hahah that's what makes him a donkey... by the way, have u seen baby papa shrek? haha cute hor in diapers. heh heh... man, chris!!! fri ar, SHREK 3 YAY!!!! HAHAHA sorrie ppl, i think i'm on adrenaline rush.

oh and i must introduce to u my favourite show!! SPONGE BOB SQUAREPANTS!!! haahahah...

so cute hor!! hahha my gosh, i also want to live in a pineapple.. haahahah so cute... ok,

tat's all i got to blog for about today folks...

love u loads *muackz muackz* n take care...

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